30 Days to $1K Mini Course Challenge and our Spotlight Members!

Often the first thing I hear aspiring course creators / membership owners tell me they can't afford a platform like Kajabi before they are making the money.

Because of the consistent struggle between "not enough time" and "not enough money" I often see entrepreneurs go through, I set on a journey to create a challenge that would help them create a mini-course, and potentially earn $1000 (or more!) in just 30 days! 

Earning your first $1,000 online is a major milestone to success and not only does Kajabi celebrate your $1k achievements with awesome Kajabi swag, but we also celebrate with you as well.

In the 30 days to $1K challenge you are taken through three key steps:

First, choose your mini-course idea and plan your content

So a mini-course sounds great, but what do you actually put in your course? How many lessons and how much to charge for it? How do you do know if people will buy it? We'll go through all this in detail in the first part of the challenge.

Then, create all your digital assets in Kajabi and map everything out

Next is the tech, how exactly do you sell a course and where do you put it? I'll show you step by step what to do in Kajabi (the best online course software platform).  From your course to checkouts to emails, I'll show you the entire process

Finally, launch and promote your mini-course so you can hit $1k

The BEST part - once you've created your course it's time to sell it! (I'll even show you how you can start selling before your course is even finished - talk about taking action!) Learn launch strategies and online course sales techniques


One of the benefits of joining this challenge is getting your course promoted by us when you are finished! 

Our first wave of challenge members have been phenomenal - and we want to take a moment to spotlight each of them who sent in their course! We can't thank them enough for their incredible work and dedication to their business goals! 

Here are some of the fantastic members who have completed the 30 Days to $1K challenge and created something spectacular!

Tracie Patterson - Boost the Value of Your Offer in a Day™

Tracie has spent over a decade helping clients revamp their business. Tracie is someone who will take you above all the other pitch materials to copy that speaks to your audience, not at them, and directly tells them you have the one solution they’ve been looking for.

Boost the Value of Your Offer in a Day is for anyone with high-touch/client-interacting offers. 1:1, Group Coaching, VIP Days, Live Workshops, etc. Tracie will guide you to revamp your offer in a way that shows your audience the true value of the offer, while you too embrace the full awesomeness of your offer to create stellar sales messaging without feeling lost or frustrated.

Check out this fantastic mini-course here!


Thuha Wright - Introduction to Google Analytics for Social Media Managers


Thuha has been working with Google and Facebook ads since 2006. Her superpower is data and that's why she has created a course for paid social marketers to help them use Google Analytics to get more value from their ads.

Google Analytics can be overwhelming with all that data you can access. So Thuha has broken it down for Ads Managers in this mini-workshop series.

Check out this wonderful mini-workshop series here! 

Sarah Denholm - Mind the blanks: Ways to Avoid or Overcome Freezing Up When Speaking

Do you struggle with mind blanks or brain freeze when you speak to groups?
Does your thinking capacity go offline? If it does, it’s probably just when you need it most.
This is an issue that many of Sarah's clients often mention when they’re looking for help with their public speaking or presenting. And when applying techniques that address their particular triggers - understanding their own situational causes – it makes a big difference.
So Sarah has made a whole online course about it, Mind the Blanks: Ways to avoid or overcome freezing up when speaking! 

Michele Santo - The Anxiety Cure

How we’ve been taught to destress has created lots of toxic lifestyle habits that have to stop if we want to sustain inner peace long term, without going bananas.

Within this live Playshop you will learn how to:

  • Reduce stress by 40%

  • Do a creative project of your choice

  • Relax with a guided tapping session focused on better health {bring your favorite essential oils!}

  • Float off Zoom feeling satisfied with your self-care Sunday

 Learn more about this very beneficial mini-course (live playshop!) here!

 Karol Oakley - How to Use Thumbnails to Improve Your Art

Simplify the way you create with Karol Oakley's How To Series - How to Use Thumbnails to Improve Your Art!

Find out everything about thumbnail sketches to improve your art. This course is for aspiring artists of any skill levels using any medium.

Inside How to Use Thumbnails to Improve Your Art you will get:

  • Clear & simple instructions
  • A simple way to start a painting
  • A problem, solved
  • Instant Useable skills
  • Video replays as often as you want

Learn more about this amazing and creative mini-course here!

Larissa Wild - Art Consulting Academy

The Art Consulting Academy was created for anyone who wants to, or already collects art. 

In this mini-course you will learn all you need to know about printmaking to be a connoisseur collector!  You will leave with an understanding of the 4 different types of original printmaking techniques. You will have an understanding of reproductive printmaking techniques. And lastly, how to start a dream collection with prints.

Ready to learn more about this fantastic mini-course? Click here!

Sasa Evans - Self-love Academy

From Sasa herself, The Self-Love Academy was created for the woman who is looking for self transformation, self confidence and ready to use self-love as a vehicle to reaching her potential.

When you sign up for The Self-Love Academy you learn to respect and unconditionally love yourself. You will learn to not put yourselfin a situation that does not honour you the same way you honour yourself, be it relationships, work, family or society.

Learn more and sign up for this fantastic mini-course here!

Simone Eyles - Couch to Disneyland


Have you ever dreamed of going to Disneyland? Simone is here to help you turn that dream into a reality!

This simple mini course will help you unpack that dream in your head and turn it into an actionable plan.

Simone's Course, Couch to Disneyland  will go live October 31st! 

Ready to make your dreams come true? Learn more here!


Dr. Ange Rodgers - Assessing Place Value in Years 3-6


Dr Ange Rogers is passionate about and Maths Education! Over the past 20 years Ange has seen Primary Schools from many perspectives. Beginning as a classroom teacher, then a Numeracy Leader and Coach, and more recently as a Numeracy Consultant, PhD researcher and Parent (to 4 children). These roles have provided Dr. Ange with much experience and knowledge.

In this research-based mini course you will learn everything you need to know about the PVAT (Place value assessment tool), marking and collating your PVAT data, interpreting your PVAT data and using it to guide your teaching, and gathering data to evaluate your place value teaching.

Learn more and sign up for this fantastic mini-course here!


 Kristina Hexadevi - Daily Yoga Download

Daily Yoga Download is perfect for the creative millennial who has had some experience with yoga, but would like to deepen their practice and make it part of their daily routine.

Daily Yoga Download is a 30-day drip course with new content unlocked daily. Each video lesson explores a different yoga-related topic or technique, followed by a guided practice. If you can devote 30 minutes a day to yoga for 1 month, you will create a habit that transforms your life.

Ready to jump into Daily Yoga Download? Learn more here!

Christine Heart Savage - The Breathing Shift

The Breathing Shift is a simple and powerful course that shows you how to release mental and emotional stress in the moment you need it.

When you're under pressure you lose your breathing.  Think of a time when something hit you so hard that you gasped and stopped breathing for a minute and you lost that sense of control over where you were and what you were doing... and you almost had to remind yourself to start breathing again.

The Breathing Shift helps you to recognise any unsupportive and stress filled breathing habits you might have, and how to take back control

Ready to Breathe better and feel better? Learn more here!


Would you love to be on this page?

All you need to do is complete the challenge and submit your mini-course to us within the 30 days! 

Click here to join the 30 days to $1K challenge and learn how to create your own mini-course, just like the ones above, in 30 days! 

Get 50% off Kajabi for 12 months!

You also get a Unicorn Advisory set up support bonus pack when you sign up through our affiliate link worth over $1,000! (only until 11.59pm pacific December 2nd, 2024)

Give me details of this awesome deal! >>

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