Discover 24 brilliant ways you can market your business for FREE!

Do your marketing dreams say yes, but your bank account say no?
Don’t worry, we’re here to show you 24 great ways you can market your business without spending ANY money!
Yep that’s right, absolutely nada, zip, ziltch! This is tight arse marketing 101 👍
Some might involve a bit of time and some hustle, but if you’ve got no cash and a business to grow, this is exactly what you need!
Just a heads up
Blog Posts from at The Unicorn Advisory may contain affiliate links, but I’m a no bullshit affiliate kinda gal, as you can read about in my affiliate disclaimer.
I only share products and services I use and love.
The few $$ I make from affiliate income, costs you absolutely nothing and goes straight to our family holiday fund ✈️ so my kids and I thank you 💗
Marketing without spending a cent! Can it be done?
If you’re like many small businesses and startups and running things on the smell of an oily rag, don’t worry, these things won’t cost you anything!
There is no catch or little surprise, these are actual free things you can do and will get customers and clients flocking to you.
The only thing to bear in mind, is that in most cases, you are trading money for time, so whilst they won’t cost you cold hard cash, you’ll be investing your time.
Some people guard their time and are happy to pay to get more time, whereas others are happy to spend time to save a buck!
Just be careful not to spend so much time trying to save money that you don’t have any time left to run your business. It’s just as important to be able to save money as it is to know when to spend money.
So without further ado, let’s get into the list that shows you how to keep your bucks in your bank account and get marketing your business for free!
One. Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are free to join and you should be able to find dozens, if not hundreds of groups relevant to your industry or even just general business groups. Many have follow trains or days where you can add your offer or freebie, which can help get eyes on your biz. Just start with a few groups rather than join 20 and get overwhelmed.
Most don’t let you post promotional stuff unless on specific days or situations, so make sure you follow the rules. I’ve actually picked up clients and subscribers from posting when it is allowed, so whilst it can be time consuming to do, it is worth it.
I’ve seen some people posting in the group with offers - for example, would you like a free linked in profile review.. which would get lots of people saying yes please in a big group. You could follow up with everyone and send them a personalised offer. However some groups won’t like that, just hang around for a bit before doing that to get to know the group.
It is so important not to spam
Just hang out and give genuine advice and participate in group conversations to help make new connections. There is no quicker way to be ostracised from a group than by just dumping promos on non-allowed days. Don’t be that person.
Something I find super helpful is setting up a ClickUp Board for Facebook groups and I set up a list for each group and a recurring task for each day you are allowed to do something. (you could do something similar in Asana or Trello)
For example, I have a list in ClickUp called “Business Owners Unite” and a weekly task for #friday freebie, which is the day you’re allowed to post your freebie. I have a list and tasks set up for each group and promo you’re allowed to do in each group. A little work setting it all up, but once it is done, it makes everything SOOOO much easier as you don’t have to remember which group is allowed to do what.
Once you’ve set it up, each of those tasks will show up in your task list on the day you do them (or you can get your VA to do them) and you won’t post on a wrong day and rub the group mods up the wrong way.
Two. Google My Business
Honestly, I don’t understand why more people don’t get onto this. It’s kinda like an internet secret or something. You can register your business with Google My Business for free and take advantage of all Google My Business has to offer. You have a higher chance of your business coming up on the front page of google (especially if you’re a local business).
You can add a description, photos, or videos and really help to manage what people see when they search for your business. You can link to your website, give contact details and make it easy for people to leave reviews for your business.
You can even add posts to your listing kinda like social media, that stay live for 7 days. These can be promotional or whatever you want - make these keywords rich and it will totally help your SEO efforts and get you found!
Plus you can also create a google my business website for free.
Three. Go to local networking events

Sure, things like this might be cheesy, perhaps uncomfortable or even make you cringe.
But that is the worst case scenario.
What if you go to an event, meet a potential awesome client. Or even better, a person in your industry with contacts and who is wanting to help?
It’s good to push past your fears and perhaps even leave the house or office for a while.
There are even find fun networking events without the cringe factor - I’ve been to some really cool freelancing lunches and drinks and whilst I had to push myself to do it, as I can get suuuuuuuper nervous and shy around new people, I was always glad I did it.
(note, not technically 100% free, as you might have to pay for brekky or a couple of drinks but you’re not paying for the marketing itself)
Four. Add your business details to your personal social profiles
Again I am often surprised when people don’t do this, especially if you are on say facebook and using your personal profile to post in groups.
If someone likes what you say - guess what the first thing they are going to do is? Go to your profile of course!
Look at your profile in locked down mode to find your business details - can you easily see them?
Make sure there is a link on every personal profile, so when someone finds you, it gets eyes on your business.
Five. Make a Facebook page
Hopefully you already have this one taken care of, but if you don’t, get your business a Facebook page.
Sometimes you’ll find that your Facebook page, can get ranked in google for your business name and/or your key search terms, faster than your own website.
So especially if you have a brand new website that isn’t showing up yet, get that Facebook page happening and get some content on it, so if people come searching for you, they will find you.
Organic reach on facebook posts isn’t what it used to be, but creating this page won’t cost you anything.
Six. Leave comments on prominent posts
If you want to be seen everywhere and for people to get to know you, get your commenting fingers ready. This strategy takes a LOT of time, but it can work really effectively if done well.
Pick out some major players in your industry with a big audience, people that regularly tweet or post on instagram and facebook. Set up notifications to be notified when they do a new post.
Add a good considerate comment to those new posts when they come out. Not like “nice tips bro” or any of the other stock standard this is obviously a generic bot comment.
Write something thoughtful, helpful etc, as not only will the original poster see it - so will a lot of other people who who see that post (which is the most important thing!).
If you’re one of the first to comment, you increase the chances that your comment will get a lot of likes, which means it is even more likely that others are reading the post will see yours.
This works two ways - not only will your name start to be seen everywhere, this raising your profile…. you will get people start to actually click through to your profile if they like what you have to say.
And if you have that profile all set up well and they like it - you could get a new follower.
And… if you have your website and business information in your profile, well hello website clicks - another great reason why it is important to have an up to date profile with your contact info 👍
Seven. Add your business to your email signature

If you don’t have your business or a way of people to find your business in your email signature (even your personal email signature) that is an opportunity you’re missing out on! Plus this is prime advertising real estate - think of how many emails you send out every day or week!
This is a quick fix that is easy to set up and has great payoff.
Put your business info and links to your socials in your auto-email signature.
Or even better your latest promotion, product launch or a popular blog post/video into your signature so rather than it being a lifeless end of your email, people are intrigued and want to click through.
You get bonus points for setting up a signature on your phone - often people send more emails from their phone than desktop, so don’t forget about your phone.
Eight. Create a YouTube channel
If you make any kinds of videos in your business, whether that is facebook lives, instagram stories, those little animated commercials or anything else (which you should be because video is THE way to be marketing in 2020 and beyond), make sure you repurpose them on YouTube.
Often people have way more video content than they realise and aren’t using it to it’s full potential.
Even if it is is imperfect, get that up on YouTube, with a lovely full description full of keywords and links back to your site!
Some of the videos I added years ago to YouTube have thousands of views. I don’t know how - I did literally nothing to promote them, just put some tags on, wrote a reasonable description and that was it. I’m still getting clicks through to my website from one very ordinary video I created 4 years ago that for some reason did well on YouTube.
It’s not just for YouTubers either (although you can really do big things with YouTube if you do put the effort into it). This strategy is for utilising video content you already have and giving it another life, that will help promote your business and brand.
YouTube is the second largest website in the WORLD - only Google - which own’s YouTube is bigger!
I’ve had videos rank on YouTube faster and better than my website, so if you’re not using it - I think you should get it in your plans. If you don’t have a channel, at least secure that ASAP, so it is waiting for you when you’re ready.
Don’t worry about making it perfect, just get it up there.
Nine. Influencers
When you say influencers, most people think of
a) fyre festival
b) a brilliant but expensive and risky way to market your brand or
c) teenagers that need a real job
But, its not a scam! Influence, when used right can have an incredible impact on your business.
There is NOTHING more powerful than a personal recommendation. Which is why influencer marketing is predicted to be an $8 billion dollar industry by 2020 😱
So how can you do it without mortgaging your house or selling a kidney?
You just need to pick the right people.
I go into detail on my influencer strategy during this free marketing masterclass, exactly how to do that, but the short version is that you strategically choose people you want to do a shout out for your brand.
But these aren’t necessarily people with tens of thousands of followers, they are people with less than 1500 followers. 500-1500 being the sweet spot.
Not just your average instagram user with a friends only account. This is someone who likes instagram and thinks it might be cool to grow their account and is actively trying to do so.
In the biz, these are referred to as nano influencers.
You need to build a relationship first (I explain how in the masterclass) but I’ve had great success doing and the only cost is the product itself (or your time if you have a service business).
Best thing is - you get to call the shots. This isn’t using people who contact you asking for free stuff (I cover that in the class), this is strategically chosen people, so the return on investment is really high.
Ten. Pinterest
Pinterest is not just for recipies and nail art (although you’lll find a lot of that if it’s your thang). Pinterest is freakin awesome for businesses!
I make no secret of my love for Pinterest, mainly because of how well it works to get traffic to your website. And it works not just when you are regularly pinning - for a long time afterwards as well!
I’ll give you an example.
With rebranding The Unicorn Assistant to The Unicorn Advisory this year, we had a new domain name and new website. All the pins I created up until May 2019, were directed to pages on The Unicorn Assistant site. I didn’t create any new pins until late July 2019 when The Unicorn Advisory website launched. However, I’m still getting a tonne of traffic to The Unicorn Assistant website, as well as 3-4 newsletter subscribers per day, which is mostly coming from Pinterest! This traffic is coming from pins that are more than six months old!
It’s like the present that keeps on giving.
I’m going to do a detailed guide on my Pinterest strategy for business shortly, because I’m asked about it all the time, so make sure you’re on the Unicorn VIP list to get emailed when that hits the blog.
The additional benefit of Pinterest is that not only do you get traffic from Pinterest itself, pins with good descriptions show up in google as well - often much higher than the actual content itself does, so you can use Pinterest to get eyes on your biz.
The reason for that is Pinterest is basically a big visual search engine, rather than the social media platform everyone thinks of it as, so if you create good keyword rich titles and descriptions for your pins, they will be found and so will you!
Pinterest is totally free, but can be supercharged through things like Tailwind*.
I consider Tailwind* like throwing petrol on a fire - since I have been on tailwind (around 7 months) my pins have received an additional 14.4 million reach - that is reach beyond my own account. So I am a big fan. You can get started with a free Tailwind* account, but you’ll see the best benefit and the petrol effect with a paid account.
And if you did want to put a little money into Pinterest advertising - I find promoted pins to be about 4 times more effective than Facebook ads in terms of spend. More clicks and conversion for less cost - that is a big tick from me.
See - it’s no wonder I love it so much.
Eleven. LinkedIn
If you don’t have a profile on LinkedIn or if it only has information from six years ago when you were last looking for work, sort that out now!
It doesn’t take that long to update your profile.
Update your profile photo to something nice, friendly and professional. By the way, I’ve read the profile photo is the most important aspect of your profile - so no drunken selfies, travel pics where you are squinting to make you out, abstract half your face pics. This isn’t really the place for the arty face blurred out so you can’t really see you images. A nice face forward headshot is best for LinkedIn.
Add your business info, link your website, a way for people to contact you and complete your bio.
No need to go crazy and spend days refining it all. Just make sure what is there is up to date, relevant and accurate.
If someone searches your name and you have a LinkedIn profile at all. there is a high chance that will come up in google searches reasonably high, so you might as well make the most of it.
Especially as future clients are likely to take a nosy to learn more about you (I may or may not be one of those nosy people who always look at LinkedIn🙃)
Thirteen. Blogging or Content Marketing
Creating a blog is a great investment in your business. With every piece of content you create, there is a little hook going out into the world to bring people to your business.
There is a reason why there are approximately 2 million blog posts published daily - content helps people discover your business and brand.
But not just any old content or blog posts. Scammy useless content that was written just for google has tarnished things a big, so thankfully google is weeding those out.
The blog posts making an impact are the posts with detailed and comprehensive ones, ie quality content, producing quality articles means google will show them first in the search rankings. Quick filler content doesn’t tend to bring people to your site like it would have 10 years ago - the google algorithm filters poor quality, badly written content now.
So create some great content (which you can do for free) and educate people about the things your business does. Be helpful, share your knowledge and it will come back to you again and again.
Blogging works incredibly well for product businesses as well. One of my clients gets 1/3 of their entire website traffic from just three blog posts they have written - two of them were written 3 years ago.
Find out what people want to know - ubersuggest is a great free tool to help you do that - and write about it.
If writing isn’t your thing - perhaps look at other forms of content like video. Whilst you could spend a LOT of money on video equipment, cameras on your phone are good enough for you to make free videos. You can even get apps to help you edit and add captions and transitions, music and more.
Fourteen. The creme de la creme Email Marketing
This really is probably the single best marketing strategy any business can use and you can start for free. If had to pick just one way to market my biz, email would be it!
If you don’t already have an email list or plan to start one, get onto that right now. And once you have one, make a plan to regularly email them - and not just about what sales you have on.
Email marketing is a way for future customers and clients to get to know you, which is a crucial part of the buyers journey. For someone to buy from you, they need to trust you and email is a perfect way to help build that relationship.
It is one of those great free strategies that does take time to make an impact, as you need to build up your email list. You’ll notice a massive difference between when you send an email to 100 people, compared to when you send it to 1000 or even 10,000.
BUT the only way to get to 1000 people is to start and the sooner you start, the sooner you get there!
How do you get people on your email list?
Get a pop up from OptinMonster* or Sumo on your site (you may think they are annoying - but they work!). Create a freebie or lead magnet that you can entice visitors with or give a discount or free shipping code. Just make sure you have a way to collect email addresses so you can start building that list.
You will need an email provider in order to collect the information and send the emails.
If you’re on Shopify* or have an ecommerce store - Klaviyo* is absolutely brilliant.
You’ll get seamless integration and a stack of data which helps you market better and it is free for the first 250 contacts.
I use Convert Kit* for my emails as a service based business, but there is a monthly charge for that. Convert Kit* really is great for service based businesses.
But if you want something free, mailchimp or mailer lite are good places to start. You won’t have quite as many features or be able to target your customers as well, but those platforms will get you started for free.
I go into lots of detail about email marketing and how to make it work for you in my free marketing masterclass, so take the on demand class to get a heap more info.
Fifteen. Answer Questions on Quora
Quora is a website where people got to ask questions - sometimes really specific questions about anything and everything!
What makes quora really helpful is not only the community (770,000 questions per month) but those questions often come up in google searches (along with their answers).
Anyone can answer a question and the answers that are deemed to be the most helpful by the community, are the ones that get seen first.
Great thing is that you can search on those questions and if something comes up that you are able to answer, you can leave an answer and by doing so, get a little exposure for yourself and your business.
You can also have your business details in your profile name, so if anyone comes across your answer and is impressed by it (which they will be if you pick questions you know lots about and can answer well) they will likely check you out. For example my profile Sue McLachlan, Business Mentor at The Unicorn Advisory. You only get 50 characters, so you may need to get clever to squish it in, after 50 characters will be cut off.
Having your business name in your quora profile drops your business name and brand every time you answer a question. You can complete a full bio with more information and links, so if someone does click on your profile, it will lead back to your business.
The thing is - like with social media, don’t spam. Don’t just go on quora and dump a heap of links to your own website. Aim to be informative, to share your knowledge.
When you answer, the community can upvote whether your answer is helpful or not. The answer with the most votes will appear at the top, so giving a great answer increases the chance that your answer will be the first one to appear.
All your answers and upvotes are stored on your profile, so if someone clicks on your profile they can see you’re a helpful person (especially if your answers get upvoted.)
You can also search questions about your own business or products/services and if someone is asking about them, you can leave an answer for them, which is really helpful and takes customer service to the next level.
You can use links to your own site where relevant, just be careful not to spam. If you’ve written a blog post about the topic someone is asking about for example, or you have that kind of product in your store, or you offer that service, it would be relevant to link to it.
You are likely to find people will click through from your profile when you establish yourself as someone who gives good and helpful answers.
Sixteen. Set up a profile on Fiverr or Upwork
If you are freelancing or have a new online service business, getting those first clients can be really hard! The good thing is, there are platforms you can list a profile for free, and only pay a commission to them after you’ve done the work. So it doesn’t cost you anything to market yourself.
Fiverr* and Upwork are two of the main freelancing platforms where you can get set up for free and get work coming in within days. These sites have a lot of prospective clients, all looking for freelancers to do projects for them. Things like writing, virtual assistant, video production, website design, graphic design, programming, marketing, consulting - you name it!
Creating a profile with these big freelancing sites, means you don’t need a website to get started, you don’t need social media profiles or any of that. (Though I highly recommend you get a website so can build up your own clients).
You will be charged a percentage of the job as commission to the site for putting your services there - say 20%. Just increase your rate by whatever the fee is and it won’t cost you anything. For example if you would charge $100 and the platform fee is 20%, charge $125 instead and you’ll still be making the same as you would if getting that client directly. And you won’t have the hassle of trying to find that client - you have a giant pool of clients looking for freelancers like you.
In the freelance world, I often hear people saying a LOT of negative things about sites like this because they do have a pretty poor reputation for low rates and being a race to the bottom in terms of pricing.
Which they can be - but from personal experience - don’t judge them without trying yourself.
You don’t need to sell your soul and work for $5 or compete with bargain basement freelancers either. Yes some freelancers just charge crazy low rates to try and get the work, thinking that the lowest price will get them the job. I have personally worked on both of those platforms and charge premium rates without an issue.
I’ve made over $200,000 on fiverr*, so I can 100% attest to the value of setting up a profile there.
To charge premium rates, you need to show your potential client your value, through great work samples and a strong profile. On both fiverr* and upwork, I’ve had jobs in the hundreds and even thousands of dollars. There are clients there who are happy to pay well for the right people.
If you are new and just starting it can be a great way to get experience and build a portfolio. I started off at a lower rate and increased my prices as my experience grew which worked really well.
One thing to note however - if you do find clients through platforms like upwork and fiverr*, you can’t direct them to your website and work with them outside the platform - you need to keep working with them on the platform (so it can commission). If you poach them, you could get your account closed, so its not something you can use to necessarily build your own client base, do that alongside.
Seventeen. Cold calling
Did reading those words send you into a cold sweat? 😰
Cold calling might seem scary, but damn it works, so it is worth giving a try.
Whether that be pitching your products for wholesale to stores, calling potential clients to pitch your services, or following up with contacts that have been suggested to you by someone else cold outreach can be really effective.
And trust me – it is one of those things that always feels far scarier before you do it. Afterwards you’ll think hey.. that wasn’t so hard.
Like with most things, the more you do it, the more confident you’ll get as well.
I implemented a cold calling campaign one January - which is typically a slow time of year for voiceover artists like me and I got two long term clients out of it, worth thousands of dollars! Plus a couple of one off jobs as well. This was from around 25 phone calls and sending
I tried both cold emailing (put together a list of businesses to target and emailed them one by one with a pitch) and literal cold calling - getting on the phone.
The phone calls were by far the most effective. Possibly because I tried to get too clever and witty with my subject line rather than getting to the point, or perhaps because it is much harder to say no to someone you’re on the phone with rather than just clicking delete on an email.
The thing is – you won’t lose anything by giving it a go, the worst case scenario is someone will say no, best case scenario is you could get some clients and make some sales.
Eighteen. Flyers
Sometimes old school techniques can work wonders. Whilst the internet has taken over life as we know it, there are still stacks of places you can market offline.
A very much underutilised tactic is putting flyers on a noticeboard.
Yep good old flyers - perhaps even those ones with a little tear off tab so someone can take your information and contact you later.
Design a flyer in Canva for free, then print them out on your printer (cost is practically nothing if you do them black & white). Use some markers or sharpies for a pop of colour.
Then go on a little walk in your local area and challenge yourself to see how many noticeboards and other places you can pop your flyer.
Try noticeboards at shopping centres, local community centres, schools, flyer walls at cafes, some shops will have a community noticeboard, some colleges will have a board, churches, sports clubs, music shops and many places all have places you can advertise your business. I am sure you’ll be suprised how many you can find when you start looking.
Sometimes they won’t stay up for long, so you may need to go back a week later and put it back up again.
Pro tip - take a box of thumbtacks and some sticky tape with you to attach them just in case.
Nineteen. Facebook Marketplace
Whilst Facebook Marketplace is primarily for people buying and selling their own stuff, as an alternative to Gumtree or Craigslist, it can work really well for a product based business to get an extra bump in sales.
Create listings for your products, ensuring they have great photos and lots of helpful keywords in the description and the title and sell on messenger.
Facebook will turn marketplace into a shopping destination for sure, as they are integrating with many of the big ecommerce platforms, although you do need to be approved by Facebook to do that and there is no guarantee they will accept your business (and is just for US businesses at the moment)
But in the meantime, create listings yourself, but bear in mind it will be from your personal profile.
Twenty. Reddit
Reddit is the sixth most popular website on the internet.
It is an interesting place, that absolutely has a particular culture about it, but presents great opportunities to promote your business.
There is a sub-reddit or group, for prettty much anything and everything you can ever thing of. Each sub-reddit has it’s own rules, as they are created by and moderated by the community, not reddit itself.
They are a little like facebook groups, in that some might have days where they do allow advertising, but generally it is frowned upon a bit. Its about building a community in each group, which takes time and you need to leave genuine helpful comments.
Once you’ve become a part of the community and get to know people, you could leave links to your website or a relevant product or blog post where appropriate, but if you do that straight off the bat, it won’t go down well. Reddit users are particularly anti-advertising.
Sometimes, if you are commenting on a particularly popular post and your comment gets a lot of votes, it means your comment will come up first when people look at the post. Occasionally a post may go viral and your link/comments can go viral along with it.
If you’re already using reddit regularly, its a no-brainer to use it to your advantage as you understand the culture, but if you’re not yet using it, create an account, join or follow a few sub-reddits and get to know the place. Post in the allowed advertising posts as a good place to start and go from there.
Twenty One. Use your existing network, as for referrals
When you are getting scrappy with your marketing and doing it for free, you’ve got to use everything at your disposal. You have friends, family and colleagues around you, so let them all know what you are doing. Don’t hide it away from the world - often your friends will be your biggest backers and refer you even if you don’t ask them to.
Sometimes though, friends and family won’t know you want them to refer you unless you ask.
Tell them you’d appreciate if they can pass your information on to anyone who might need your product or service. If you have a free offer, let them know so they can help you spread the word.
Create posts on facebook that are easily shareable and invite your friends and colleagues to your facebook page so they are likely to see your posts (and share them!).
When they do share, let them know you really appreciate it and they’ll be more inclined to share again and refer you more.
Twenty Two. Directories
Online directories are something that I find are really underutilised and I never understand why. Most of them have the option of a free listing, which sure - might not be as pretty as a paid version, it is still a listing and another way for your business to be found online.
Do a google search for directory [industry] for example directory baby products or directory personal trainer and you’ll see a stack come up.
It does take time to create a listing, so do a bit of research to see which directories are the best ones, but sometimes small ones can be good too. Often you’ll score a valuable backlink as well, which is helpful for improving your website’s domain rank.
I got into details with my directory strategies in the free marketing masterclass, so get a seat and watch that class for great info about directories and other free/cheap marketing strategies!
Twenty Three. Create an Affiliate program
Whilst not technically free, as you will have to pay your affiliates, you only pay them when they put a referral through to you and you’ll expand your potential audience massively.
Using affiliates to promote your business, means an affiliate promotes your business to their network, either via emailing their list, posting on their own social media or creating links on their website. The links they use aren’t the regular link to your site, but a promotional link that tracks the affiliate so the system knows who referred the customer.
All in one websites systems like Kajabi, have built in affiliate programs that manage it all those links and tracking who signed up from what referral for you, there are other apps and add ons for other web platforms such as shopify.
There are also companies like ShareASale, that manage it all for you. They create the special links and manage the affiliate payouts etc for you, as that is all they do, so that can be a good way to do it if you don’t have it built into your website platform and don’t want the hassle of creating a program yourself.
Choose an appropriate percentage commission to offer. If you have a product business, you might give 5-20% of the sale, depending on your margins. If you are selling services or information products, you may give 20-50% commission.
The higher the commission, the more likely it is for someone to make an effort to promote you, so especially if your brand is new or you’re having a big launch or promotion, it is good to offer a high commission to encourage your affiliates to work hard to promote you.
Remember they are promoting your business to their audience. An audience that you would not have access to on your own and you only pay out when someone buys, so it doesn’t cost anything unless it works.
Twenty Four. SEO
Repeat after me. Search Engine Opttimisation (SEO) is your friend.
Every time you write anything on your website, on your social media captions (ESPECIALLY pinterest) on your videos, podcast listings, product descriptions - basically anywhere, do it with SEO in mind.
Ensuring that you write in a natural way, but whilst also including elevant keywords that you want to be found for, will… help you get found.
There are billions of pages on the internet, so the only way to be found in amongst those, is to optimise your content to be found.
You can pay someone to do this for you, but you can cover the basics yourself for free.
If your website software has a section for SEO on the page or blogpost, make sure you fill it out. It will default to whatever is written on the page. But it only takes the first few lines, so if you haven’t included keywords in those first few lines, that piece of content isn’t going to work as hard for you as it could!
Little tweaks can make a big difference.
If you aren’t sure what to tweak for - look on Uber Suggest - which is an amazing free tool to help you work out which keywords and keyphrases to try and rank for.
Also install the free chrome app keywords everywhere. This shows you other search terms every time you do a google search, along with the search volume, to give you an idea of how many people are search for particular phrases and terms.
YASSSSS! You got to the end - this was a big one.
So, can you use any of these in your business today?
Perhaps pick a couple of them most suitable for your biz and add them to your marketing schedule.
And if you want to learn even more about marketing your business on a budget, then watch the free marketing masterclass for some actionable detailed info - 5 ways to market your business for less than $100
Sue x
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