Love Your Price
Confidently choose the right pricing for your course or membership
... so you can make more money and get more sales without having to turn on sleaze mode
You’ve created a course or membership. Now it's time to make some money from your awesome work.
BUT how much do you charge?
By the way, if you Google "how much should I charge for my course" 2 BILLION answers come up - you're not the only one wondering!
You’ve thought about asking your friends and family for advice...
But you've already had a few negative comments about the price you were thinking of charging, and it's sapping your confidence
You’ve thought about following the advice you keep seeing about raising your prices...
But you're not sure how much to raise them by and how do you know what the "right" price is?
You’ve thought about charging a high price for your course or membership...
But you're worried if you charge a lot, no one will buy it and your launch will be a failure
You’re ready to sell your program and see your bank account filling — without overcharging or being too salesy.
What if you stopped worrying about how to pick the "perfect" price for your program — and started using research-backed pricing strategies to help you decide instead?
Here’s the deal with the "price what you're worth" or "just increase your prices" advice that is often thrown around by well-meaning business coaches.
That advice doesn't tell you HOW to price what you're worth or increase your prices. It sounds like a great idea, but how much should you increase by and what are you worth? 🤷♀️
Picking random prices could end up leaving you feeling LESS confident about pricing than before or worse, dropping your prices or undercharging out of fear no-one will buy
Being able to confidently choose a price for your program that will sell, and feel like great value for your clients, could mean thousands (or even tens of thousands) more profit
..and that’s where Love Your Price comes in.
Ready to finally choose a price you feel good about? You just need to know these strategies of pricing and how to implement them.
Love Your Price
Confidently choose the right pricing for your course or membership
... so you can make more money and get more sales without having to work any harder than before
Here’s everything that’s included in this workshop:
Here’s exactly what we’ll cover during the Love Your Price workshop:
Part 1
Pricing fundamentals for course + membership creators
30-45 minutes
✔ Who you should never take pricing advice from
✔ Who the most important person is to consider when it comes to your pricing - you might be surprised by this
✔ The most important consideration when choosing your price and why it matters
✔ When you may need to adjust your price to suit your business goals
✔ How to stop your own money mindset from impacting your pricing decisions
Part 2
My five main pricing strategies and when to use them
45-60 minutes
✔ Festival Pricing perfect for beta and founding member launches
✔ Love it Low how and when to incorporate low price offers
✔ Run Faster Pricing my favourite strategy for stretching yourself into what's possible
✔ Anchorman to effectively position and highlight your value
✔ Packed To The Rafters to get confidence selling an offer you know is an amazing deal
Everything you need to price with confidence so you can make more money!
Part 3
Let's take your confident pricing a step further and look at the ways you can optimise to make more sales!
30 minutes
Even with the awesome pricing strategies that make you feel like a total pro, how do you know you’ve chosen the right price and people will buy?
You people need to start buying for you to get evidence you've made a good choice but this helpful sales psychology and conversion rate optimisation will give you further confidence. You'll understand what can help (or stop) someone from purchasing and understand the data to drive any future price change decision.
Bonus #1
Sales and pricing psychology
Does pricing with a 7 or 9 even matter? Are you stopping people from buying with the way you display your price? Learn different ways to use psychology in your pricing strategy so that you can increase profits without having to lower your prices.

Bonus #2
Conversion Rate Optimisation
One of the smartest things you can do in business is increasing the number of people who purchase your product so you don't need as many leads. But how? Learn my tips and tricks for improving your conversion rate so you get more sales and make more money.
I love helping business owners become confident with pricing because I know first-hand how hard it is to get pricing right.

Hey I'm Sue 👋
As a business coach and strategist I've worked with hundreds of clients and one of the most common situations I see is a lack of confidence around knowing how much to price your program, which can often result in undercharging.
And I totally get it! It's especially hard when you're the product. Your knowledge, skills and training is for sale and it's hard to put a value on that.
How much ARE you worth?
And what happens is that most people tend to price their programs really low, or ask the opinion of everyone from their friends and family to strangers in random facebook groups and then end up conflicted and confused when you hear comments like:
“are you really going to charge that much?! It’s a lot don’t you think?!?”
“That seems VERY expensive, I wouldn’t pay that”
“Why are you selling that so cheap, you need to raise your prices”
It’s no wonder choosing the right price can feel like a minefield you’ll never get right.
You might even think things like:
"my audience will never pay that"
"no-one likes to pay for things when they can get it for free"
There is a reason why pricing is such a difficult thing to master.
I will never forget the lesson I learnt early on in business when I was challenged by a mentor to raise the price of my product by $5. It doesn’t sound like much, but it was a 20% increase.
I was horrified at the thought and assumed my sales would tank and no one would buy.
However, sales actually increased (as I paid far more attention to making sure the value was communicated). I recently calculated, that over the 9 years I ran that business, that $5 price increase back in 2007 resulted in at least $500,000 additional profit!! 😮
I love seeing the impact pricing tweaks make to my own business for my clients and students businesses.
Getting your pricing right could mean the difference between earning thousands or tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands!
Imagine the difference it could make in your business if you could confidently raise your prices by 20%, 50%, 100% or MORE!
You’ll learn my tricks and strategies from over 20 years in online business during this value packed $37 workshop, so you can price with confidence and make more money (without having to do any more work!)
In the online business world, you’ll find many different opinions on the “right” way to price your products and offers, or the secret to pricing success. The thing is - there is no secret or one right way. In this workshop I want to arm you with the frameworks and knowledge to confidently start making your own empowered pricing decisions.
Love Your Price
Confidently choose the right pricing for your course or membership
... so you can make more money and get more sales without having to work any harder than before
Here’s everything that’s included in this workshop:
GET INSTANT ACCESS ➡This workshop isn't just for businesses with high-end clients! Even small businesses need these strategies in place, so you can hit your revenue goals working smarter, not harder.
With the Love My Price Workshop, you’re just a few hours away from…
Confidently choosing a price for your program that could make you hundreds, if not thousands more revenue
Choosing prices for your course or membership that don't just feel right, you know there is a rational basis behind why you’ve chosen it.
Knowing how to optimise your sales page and checkout so you’re not leaving money on the table without even realising
Love Your Price
Confidently choose the right pricing for your course or membership
... so you can make more money and get more sales without having to work any harder than before

Here’s everything that’s included:
I'M IN! >>Never blindly choose your price based on what someone else is doing again. Choose a price you love, so you can tell people how much your program costs with confidence!
Still not sure? I’ve got your back.
This workshop could help you make hundreds or thousands of dollars more revenue when you implement even just one of the many strategies you'll learn. However, if you're not 100% satisfied, you can request a full refund within 7 days. No questions asked!